grafico grafico

Museum of Sketches



District/Location: Pietrasanta
District: Versilia

Former convent of Sant´Agostino, Via S. Agostino, 1 (Museo dei Bozzetti 2, Via Marconi, 5)

Telephone: 0584 795500
Contacts: Ufficio Istituti Culturali Comune di Pietrasanta
In the 70's thorough restoration works were carried out on the former convent of S. Agostino, built in the XVIth century next to an existing XIIIth century church; the entire complex was restored so that XIVth century rooms could be used.
Today we can find here not only the Museum of sculptors¿ models, but also the "Luigi Russo" Cultural Centre that organises a series of events every year and contains the town library called after "Giosuè Carducci", as well as the Centre for the Study of Historical and Contemporary Gardens and the Italian Centre for Information on Coastal Habitats.
The Museum was founded in 1984 and contains small models, mostly of plaster, as well as larger ones and sketches of sculptures by contemporary Italian and foreign artists that work or have worked in Versilia.
The collection is housed in the upper galleries of the S. Agostino convent and in a few rooms of the contiguous library; it also occupies the open gallery on the ground floor where contemporary art exhibitions are frequently staged.
Via S. Agostino 1, Pietrasanta
Sketches and models of sculptures by contemporary artists.
The production and processing of marble have always been important for the cultural and economic development of Pietrasanta. In 1518, for example, Michelangelo himself signed contracts regarding the marble that had been quarried for him in the Apuan Alps.
During the XIXth century the trade of the artisans' workshops connected with the exploitation of marble deposits evolved. In 1843 a school where the art of marble sculpting was taught (the present day Istituto d'Arte Stagio Stagi) was opened in Pietrasanta.
In the 1980 is finally, following the success of a series of repeated exhibitions between 1976 and 1984, the Danish art critic, journalist and photographer Jette Muhlendorf had the idea of creating a collection of plaster statues to document the activity of the Versilian workshops. Small and real size models of sculptures, most of them made of plaster, by more than 350 artists that have worked or are working in Versilian marble manufactures or foundries, created during the expansion of the marble processing activity (the oldest was founded in 1885) and now specialised in contemporary art, are at present on exhibition.
The small scale as well as the real size models represent the original idea of the artist before this becomes an accomplished sculpture.
They can be made of different materials (plaster, wood, terracotta, etc ...) and are between a few centimetres and over seven metres high.
  • Catalogo completo informatizzato sul sito alla voce La Collezione;
  • Catalogo a stampa- Museo dei Bozzetti. Pietrasanta/Le Botteghe artigiane in Versilia/Catalogo dei bozzetti di repertorio del Museo, Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2012;
  • Catalogo a stampa - Museo dei Bozzetti. Pietrasanta/Catalogo generale, Ospedaletto, Pacini, 2011;
  • Catalogo a stampa - Museo dei Bozzetti/Pietrasanta/Catalogo generale, Collana "Toscana Musei", Pietrasanta, Comune, 1994;
  • Catalogo a stampa -Museum der skulpturenmodelle wanderausstellung,Viareggio, Pezzini, 1992;
  • Catalogo a stampa -Museo dei Bozzetti, Pietrasanta, Comune, 1986.
  • Altra documentazione: presso il Museo si trova un archivio documentario, il Documentart, che raccoglie opuscoli, pieghevoli, articoli, foto etc. che documentano l’attività artistica degli scultori presenti nel museo e dei laboratori artigiani collegati agli artisti. Presso l’adiacente Biblioteca Comunale si possono consultare numerose pubblicazioni sulla scultura.
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