Via San Micheletto 3, 55100 LUCCA
The Associazione Musicale Lucchese organises a very high standard chamber music season. The programme boasts great international performers along with the skilful musicians. The programmes offer you the possibility of listening to the music of the great classics, along with examples of rich Lucchese production from past centuries. The recovery and evaluation of this patrimony plays a very important part in the cultural activity of the association, which is also committed to the spreading of knowledge of contemporary music.
The Lucchese Music Association came about in 1964, directed by Maestro Herbet Handt, with the objective of enriching Lucchese cultural life with quality music programmes. One of the aims of the association was that of recovering and making known to the public works by maestros who had made Lucca one of the most important cities for Music history: John Hothby, the madrigalists Dorati and Guami, Geminiani, Barsanti, Boccherini, the Puccini family and many more. The Lucchese chamber orchestra was formed during the same period, with the aim of performing music recovered thanks to research, and to give young musicians the opportunity of acquiring orchestra practice. The activities of the association have contributed to creating a very lively and innovative musical atmosphere, and it was therefore only natural to dedicate much attention to contemporary music. During the 1970's, various cycles dedicated to the great musicians of our times were organised: from Luciano Berio to Silvano Bussotti, from Goffredo Petrassi to Hans Werner Henze, from Bruno Canino to Salvatore Sciarrino, from Cathy Berberian to Roman Vlad. Since its very beginnings, the Lucchese Music Association has organised concerts in historical villas of the Lucchesia, and in other significant places so as to evaluate the Luccches architectonic patrimony in addition to its musical one.
Associazione Musicale Lucchese
Office: Via San Micheletto 3, 55100 LUCCA
tel. and fax: (+39) 0583 - 469960