grafico grafico

Commemorative monument to the students of R. Liceo Ginnasio in Lucca who died in war



Municipality: Common of Lucca
Telephone: 0583/492741
Opening hours: always opened
Entrance: free
Contacts: Machiavelli Classical High School
Location: Lucca
Address: Via degli Asili, 35 - 55100
District/Location: Lucca
District: Piana di Lucca
This is a vertical stone stele with a bas-relief depicting the winged Victory with a palm bough. There is an epigraph at the sides, with the names of the dead appearing above in a series of small boxes. The entire composition is encircled by a large frame. The stele, by the famous sculptor Francesco Petroni, was unveiled on 24th May 1922. A bronze plaque with a votive lamp was later added in 1935-36, in memory of the students who died.
Via degli Asili, 35 Lucca
Epigrafe sinistra:
In queste aule
la virtù del sacrificio
e l'amore della patria
24 maggio 1915.

Epigrafe destra:
Sul campo della gloria
fecero olocausto
della giovane vita
alla grandezza d'Italia
4 novembre 1918.
Left epigraph:
In these rooms they learned the virtue of sacrifice and the love of their homeland 24 May 1915

Right epigraph:
In the glorious field they sacrificed their young life to Italy's greatness 4 November 1918
24th May 1922
Francesco Petroni
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