grafico grafico


District: Piana di Lucca
Building dating: 1912
District/Location: The building is a private property and cannot be visited inside.
The trapezoide based palazzo consists of four floors in addition to the cellar and has a pavilion roof surfaced with Marseillais roofing tiles. The main façade, facing north, is characterised by its absolute symmetry. Two entrance doors open on this, both featuring a wooden door carved with rose designs with straight fluted stems on them. On each side of the two doors there are two windows which are divided by a squared pilaster which is higher than the architrave, finishing in a high-relief representation of a demon's face on par with the cornice marking the levels between the ground and first floor. The architrave is decorated with shell shaped elements. Between one window and another, the façade is decorated with imitation ashlar. The space between the windows on the first floor is also decorated in imitation ashlar. The windows are framed by slightly projecting piers and window sills which have a rectangle under them bearing the motif of a chess board.
The windows on the second floor have important window sills which are supported by corbels which have fruit and flower festoons in bas-relief in the middle. The figures of a male and female in high-relief which support a densely decorated architrave complete the window frames. Between the windows there are pilaster strips which in their centres bear a shield joined to the window sill with ribbons.
The windows on the third floor have square decorated architraves and at the top, are joined to a chain motif. Between the windows, beginning at the level of the window sills, there are eaves corbels which are characterised by spiral motifs in the central part, acanthus leaves in the lower part and human faces in the higher one.
The building is a private property and cannot be visited inside.
viale Giusti 587/593, Lucca
The palazzo was projected in 1912 by an engineer called Virginio Paolinelli. Since the construction of the building until present times, no relevant changes have been made to its appearance and therefore today, generally conserves its original aspect.
(source: Lorenza Caprotti - Centro Studi Cultura Liberty e Déco)
  • Archivio Storico del Comune di Lucca
  • Archivio Soprintendenza B.A.A.A.S. delle province di Pisa, Lucca, Massa Carrara, Livorno (schedatori: Gilberto Bedini e Giorgio Marchetti)
  • BEDINI G., L'arredo urbano e i villini di Lucca, in M.A. Giusti (a cura di), Le età del Liberty in Toscana, Atti del Convegno di Studi, Firenze 1995
  • CAMBETTI A., Lucca nel 1913, Lucca 1914
  • NICOLETTI N., Le residenze fuori dalle mura, in Il Museo per conoscere. Esperienze e proposte, a cura della Soprintendenza B.A.A.A.S. delle province di Pisa, Lucca, Massa Carrara, Livorno, Sezione Didattica dei Musei Nazionali di Lucca, anno II, n.3-4, Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore, Lucca 1995
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